Friday, February 27, 2015

He's ours!!

On Monday February 23, 2015 we received in the mail our hard copy LOA.  This piece of paper is what China issues when they have reviewed and approved a family for adoption of a specific child.  On this form is a section that we as the adoptive parents have to check that we either accept or decline this referral.  Of course we accepted!!!  We signed and that beautiful piece of paper is currently winging it's way back to our agency who will forward it to China and they will officially know we are coming for that sweet boy as fast as possible.

We are a week into our immigration wait and it will probably be another week before we hear anything on that front.  This weekend we will go ahead and get his paperwork together so that we can apply for his visa to enter the US.  Things are moving along.  We are getting the boys room ready and sorting clothes.  We still don't know if we will make travel at the beginning of April or if it will be the second week of May, but we are placing it in God's hands b/c He knows the exact right moment to join our family with this precious little boy.  Stay tuned.  Exciting things are happening!

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