Saturday, July 11, 2015

2 months

2 months.  That's all it's been, but it feels like forever.  I know it sounds strange, but I just can't honestly recall with any kind of clarity what our life was like before Owen joined our family.  Maybe a little less hectic.  The grocery bill was cheaper.  Beyond that I feel like he has always been here.  Our hearts and lives are fuller because of this tiny little person.

He was originally scheduled for surgery to repair his cleft palate and get ear tubes on July 2.  Mark and I decided to cancel the surgery and reschedule to October.  It would have been his 3rd hospitalization and 3rd surgery in 10 months.  I had a lot of anxiety about this surgery and we just felt that he wasn't ready yet.  Thank goodness b/c what would have been 36 hrs post op he spent 36 hrs vomiting.  It may have been the antibiotics he was on for his ear infection causing it, but I doubt it as the vomiting has resolved. So we are just pushing forward and will do the surgery in October.

July 4th both boys got to see their very first parade.  We headed to Taylorville to see both their Papa and their Grandpa march in the 4th of July parade.  Owen thought it was all great fun and clapped a lot, while Konnor was especially fond of the parade candy and the fire trucks.

Other than that things are pretty chill.  I am still home with the boys for another 2 weeks so we are pretty much just working on a schedule, swimming and playing.  I love, love, love being home with these two guys and am just so sad at even thinking of going back to work.  I love what I do, but nothing is ever going to be as rewarding to me as watching them grow and thrive each day.

The boys still get along fairly well.  Owen is getting more adventurous.  He follows Konnor everywhere and tries to do everything Konnor does.  It is really cute.  I know one day that will give me gray hair and you will need to remind me that I said it was cute, but for now it's adorable.  The only time we really have a problem is when Owen is throwing Konnor's monster trucks (Owen's favorite pastime is to throw anything and everything in site) or reading as Konnor is afraid Owen will tear the pages on his books.  I am still in awe of how well these two have adjusted to each other.  There are little things, but nothing out of the ordinary for siblings.

Owen is still a pretty picky eater.  He is branching out now a little more and we can add several flavors of Greek yogurt, ice cream, just about anything crunchy (chips/crackers) and cheese to the list of likes.  We have managed to go 2 whole days with no rice.  He is fond of pasta as well, but either plain or with a light white sauce.  He doesn't care for red sauce.  He loves water, but we are still struggling to get any type of milk product in him.  We'll get there eventually.  He is trying something new every day and that is really all I can ask.

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