Friday, May 15, 2015

Medical Appt

Wed. May 13, 2015
This morning we all loaded into the bus and headed downtown.  First each child had their picture taken for their passports.  Then we all headed upstairs for the medical exam.  This is pretty much a lookie loo to make sure the child's special needs match what is in the file and is otherwise healthy with no obvious illness that would prevent travel to the U.S.

Owen is roughly 20 lbs and REALLY does not like the Doctor.  I can't really blame him.  After all his hospitalizations, poking and prodding I wouldn't like the Dr. either.  Unfortunately for him we have a lot of appointments coming this summer.  This was a long day.  Each child had to do all of this and it is just time consuming.  Konnor was a real champ through all of it.  Thankfully their are a couple other siblings here that are just a couple years older than him so they all sit and play cars endlessly.

The rest of the day was just relaxing.  So here is what we know about Owen so far.  He really likes to be held.  Loves rice, porridge, veggie based toddler pouches, stacking blocks, dancing and snuggles.  He is not a fan of fruit, but will tolerate banana.  He sleeps like a champ at night-- I'm talking 10-12 hrs straight people with nary a peep!  AND it's rubbing off on Konnor who has slept 11 hrs the last 3 night!!!!! Can I get a Hallelujuah!!!!!!!  Praying this continues when we get home.  I forgot to mention the other day that on Gotcha Day we realized Owen is getting 4 teeth, two of which are molars.  He tolerates it pretty well, but is a drooling little fussy butt sometimes too.  He likes to watch what Konnor is doing and LOVES to be tickled.  Konnor is such a great Big Brother.  He helps me feed Owen, helps me give him Tylenol, if Owen fusses he runs to get whatever he thinks Owen needs at the time.  He is really so sweet.  He has asked that Owen not be allowed to play with his monster trucks which we said was fine since he has been so giving in every other aspect.  We worked out a place at home that he can store his monster trucks.  Konnor has been a little more defiant since Owen arrived, but we are working on him telling us when he wants alone time with one of us and so far that is working.  Five more days until we head home!

entertaining brother at the Dr.'s appt.  

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