Thursday, May 14, 2015
Today Mark ventured with several other families to visit Owen's orphanage, finding spot and his Foster Family. We decided to have me and the boys stay at the hotel, because we could tell Owen was not feeling well, and a 10 hr day was going to be to much for both boys. As I am sure you can imagine I was heartbroken over not going. There is so little of our boys pasts that we can give them, and every detail we can save is important. I was sad for the Foster Mom that she would not get to see Owen again and see how well he is doing. I was sad that I wouldn't get to meet her and thank this woman who has taken care of my baby for the last 7 months. There were just a lot of emotions flying around.
The boys and I had a wonderful day just hanging out. We made a couple trips to the playground at the hotel, and just played in the room. The boys naps were short due to construction above our room, but they handled it well. Today was Konnors 3 year Forever Family Day anniversary so when Mark got back we took him to get Mexican and he picked out a special dessert. Overall a wonderful day.
Mark said they went first to the orphanage. This is one of the better orphanages, and has a large playground, school and medical facility on premises. They ate a great lunch and got to tour the facility. He was able to meet with Owens Foster Mom for a few minutes. She is so remorseful about his burns, but Mark reassured her that we do not blame her because accidents happen and that we are grateful for the care her family has provided. She confirmed a few things we have already figured out: Owen likes rice, veggies and porridge, but not fruits or sweets. He is not a big on snacks. He does not walk independently, but can walk holding on to things or holding fingers. But let me tell you this little guy can put on some speed crawling when he sees something he wants. Our big uh oh is that apparently he LOVES cars. Konnor has already decreed his monster trucks are off limits to Owen so we are going to have to stock up on some more cars since Owen is a car lover too. Mark visited his finding spot and made sure he took a million pictures for me. Overall it went well. There are more details, but we save some of that for Owen to decide who knows the specifics.
We are so in love with the little guy. He is just a doll. His laugh is contagious and just lights up his face.
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