Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3

November 3 is always going to be a special day in our house.  On November 3, 2014 we saw pictures of Owen for the first time.  I just knew as soon as I saw him that he was our next son.  Konnor and I went to Mark's work to show him pictures of the next blessing to be added to our family and from that moment on he was our Son.

But November 3 has another special meaning in our house.  It is the day before Owen's birthday.  Right this very minute it is already November 4 in China.  On the other side of the world there is a family grieving this day.  Not knowing if the child they loved so much has gotten the medical care he needed or found a Forever Family to call his own.  I think about this family a lot.  As I mentioned before, there was a birth note left with Owen.  We know that this family loved him and just could not provide the care he needed.  My heart is heavy this night for a Mother that 2 years ago must have been so scared as she went into preterm labor.  So uncertain of the future of this child that she  had sheltered up to that day.  I can't imagine the anguish this family felt as they had to make the decision that their child would have a better future without them. I am eternally grateful that they chose life for this boy.  This boy whose smile lights up our days and whose giggles make you see rainbows on even the bluest days.

So tonight I will say some extra prayers.  Prayers for peace for this wonderful family on the other side of the world.  I will never meet them or know their names, but we will forever be connected through our love of this beautiful little boy.

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