Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Baby Hendricks!

So I am sitting here the evening of Christmas reflecting on all our blessings.  I will admit that yesterday morning I started off a little on the melancholy side.  I had been listening to the Third Day song "Merry Christmas" and couldn't stop thinking of our little man halfway around the world.  Just knowing the family fun, celebrations and memories that would happen over these few days without our new Son finally got the best of me.  My arms ached to hold him.  That's my baby.  From the moment we said "yes" he will forever more be our Son and frankly I want him home.  But God came through for me as he always does.  Yesterday I had 3 completely separate instances where this exact same verse was put in front of me (once at work, once on someone else's Facebook post and again at the Christmas Eve service at Church).

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

I get it, I really do, all in His time.  So onward we go.  Our fundraisers continue, we rearrange rooms and sort clothes all in preparation for this new little life that will be joining our family.  It may not be when I am ready for it, but I know that it will happen at exactly the right time b/c His plans are never wrong.  So for now Merry Christmas Baby Hendricks!  Papa, Mama, Big Brother and fur baby Baxter can't wait to celebrate Christmas with you next year and every year after.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Fundraisers!! Puzzle Pieces and Coffee

We are currently running two fundraisers.  One is at   They have AMAZING organic coffee, hot chocolate, mugs and apparel.  The best part is that they have graciously offered to give a generous portion of their profits to our adoption fund.  So if you are looking for that last minute Christmas gift, Birthday gift or just a tasty cup of coffee you should stop by and check it out.

Secondly, we are in the process of doing a Puzzle Fundraiser.  We have a 104 piece puzzle.  Each piece is worth $10, and for each piece you sponsor, we will put your name on the back of that puzzle piece.  If you sponsor 5 pieces you can also pick a favorite quote or Bible verse to be included with your name.  This puzzle will be a cherished family heirloom, and will hang in our dining room.  It will be mounted so that the boy's can see both sides of the puzzle and the names of the people who had a hand in the life story God is weaving for our family.  The picture we chose was important as it was taken on our first trip to China.  This s a way to represent both our Son's adoptions as well as our love of China within our home.  Are you still looking for Christmas, Birthday or Anniversary presents?  What about just saying Thank You to your parents?   What better way to honor them then by sponsoring a piece in their name!!  Please email us at if you would like information on sponsoring a puzzle piece.  Also don't forget to join our Bringing Home Baby Hendricks Facebook Page!

Here is what the puzzle looks like put together.  Only 79 pieces left!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

An UPDATE!!!!!

So we are on day 25 of our LOA wait.  Unfortunately these seem to be taking somewhere in the 70 is day range right now so we are not even halfway there yet : (  On a good note, we got an unexpected update today.  He is now 25 inches and has 2 teeth!!!!  He looks like he is getting great care with his Foster Family and we are so grateful that he is with them and can get more one on one attention.

AHHHH, the cuteness is just too much!!!  He is adorable!  Love!!  I can't wait to get ahold of those cheeks.