Wednesday, May 27, 2015


The first 6 days
We have kept the first week home pretty low key.    Essentially survival mode due to jet lag.  I am happy to say everyone has been fed, bathed and slept (even if it is at unusual times and intervals).

Overall things are going beautifully.  Both boys are adjusting really well other than sleep.  The first couple nights we saw 2 and 3 a wake ups, but today we saw a 4 and 5 am wake up so Yahooo!!!  We are headed in the right direction.  Konnor started back to school on Tuesday which I think helped.  He got to venture to his Konnor's soccer game Tuesday night and he is really not sure about the whole grass thing.  Essentially he wants no part of that green stuff.   I hate to break it to him, but most of our summer is outside so we have some work to do : )

We haven't had any visitors since Friday morning when my Mom left.  Owen had started to pull away from Mark a little bit so we needed to really buckle down and reinforce their bond.  This morning though he got up with Mark, had breakfast and played all while Konnor and I slept another hour so we are moving in the right direction.  We did have a prompt care visit Sunday for Konnor (splinters from a stick--see I told you outside time was a must), which then lead to a Target visit for some much needed necessities.  Thankfully we went late a night and Target was very quiet so Owen did well.

Owen really is doing wonderfully.  He is such a joy.  I suspicion that his Foster Mom held him A LOT so he doesn't like to be put down, but we are making some strides in this area.  For the most part we don't mind holding him right now because it reaffirms our bond with him, but let's be honest, there are just some things you can't do with an 18 month old on your hip.  Although I am getting very proficient at getting things done with an ERGO on.  Some things are tricky, but for the most part it can be done.

Owen is quite the stinker.  He loves to smile and has an adorable laugh that you just can't help but join in on.  He is a very picky eater and I suspicion has the spine of a cat based on the way he can twist to get away from the spoon.  Mostly oatmeal, rice and formula keeping him going right now.  We are trying new foods daily and finding that for the most part he will eat about anything (except fruits) if you dice it small enough and mix it with rice.  I have gotten homemade sausage gravy in him a couple times and he likes to pick up cheerios and shredded cheese off his plate.  Other than those few things we are lucky to get a few bites of anything else in him.

We didn't leave the house until Tuesday.  It is going to take awhile for Owen to realize this is Home and not another hotel.  He is having great fun exploring and getting to know his new surroundings.  Tuesday we took Konnor to school and I have never seen a little boy so excited to show off a new sibling.  He couldn't wait to tell the Principal, his Teachers, the Bus driver and anyone else who would listen about his trip and his new baby brother.  He is so proud.  In the afternoon Owen had his first physical with the Pediatrician.  He is 20 lbs and 29.5 inches (4% and 1%).  Basically he is a little dude, but we already knew that so no biggie.  Overall the Pediatrician said that considering he looks really good and is much further along than she would have anticipated.  We still have a long way to go, but given time we will get caught up to where we need to be.  Unfortunately he also got 6  shots and blood work.  Boo!!!  He is handling it well, but a little fussy.

Siblings: I honestly never in a million years could have anticipated how well Konnor has adjusted to being a big brother.  He loves Owen and constantly wants to know where he is and what he is doing.  Mark and I have had to readjust our parenting a little and make our first sentence to Konnor "what/why are you doing that."  He is constantly trying to help (seriously love this kiddo) and sometimes it just doesn't come across as helping so we are working on him asking to help first so we can direct a little bit.  Otherwise it is so sweet how much he wants to do for Owen.  If Owen fusses he instantly runs to get whatever it is he thinks Owen needs.  He will tell me "Owen's not gonna like that, Owen may cry."  (Let's just say diaper changes and carseats are not Owen's favorite things : )  There have been a couple little pushes or pulls, but nothing major and nothing out of the ordinary for the age.  We have also started to tell Konnor that if he needs some Mama/Papa time he just needs to tell us.  We were working on recognizing emotions prior to becoming a Big Brother so this has really given him an opportunity to blossom and work on this skill.  The truth is he is an amazing brother and we couldn't be prouder of how he has reacted to all this change.  Owen just watches Konnor and laughs.  These two are going to give me so many gray hairs, but I will love every single minute of it.

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